daisyUI adds component class names to Tailwind CSS, so you can make beautiful websites faster than ever.
Created by Pouya Saadeghi, daisy UI is a free Component library for utility first CSS frameworks.
In a Tailwind CSS project, you need to write utility class names for every element. Thousands of class names just to style the most basic elements. Instead, daisyUI adds class names to Tailwind CSS for all common UI components. Class names like btn , card , toggle and many more, allowing you to focus on important things instead of styling basic elements for every project.
With daisyUI, you write 80% fewer class names and your HTML size will be about 70% smaller.
daisyUI is built on top of Tailwind CSS so you can customize everything using utility classes.
daisyUI is a plugin for Tailwind CSS. It works on all JS frameworks and doesn't need a JS bundle file.
Install daisyUI as a dev dependency and use the class names just like any other Tailwind CSS class name.
daisyUI adds a set of customizable color names to Tailwind CSS and these new colors use CSS variables for the values. Using daisyUI color names, you get Dark Mode and even more themes without adding a new class name.
A utility-first CSS framework packed with classes like flex, pt-4, text-center and rotate-90 that can be composed to build any design, directly in your markup.
Beautiful Components & Templates built in Tailwind CSS.
Open-Source UI elements for any project.
A unique collection of Copy & Paste Tailwind CSS buttons.
Discover the best Tailwind templates & UI kits.
Free Open Source Tailwind CSS Components.